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Community / Education
Also please see our discussion forums : Parents Forum, Longsands and St Neots Community College (Ernulf).
Related link: School Clubs

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Adult Education Cambridgeshire County Council information 
Crosshall County Infants School Crosshall County Infants School, 446 Great North Rd, St. Neots.  
Department of Education For information on educational services, local authority contact numbers, free leaflets and details of league tables, contact us. 
Eynesbury Church of England Primary School Catering for children aged 3-11 years old. 
Huntingdonshire Regional College Huntingdonshire Regional College California Rd, Huntingdon, Tel: (01480) 52346 Almond Rd, St. Neots, Tel: (01480) 398141 
Learning Direct For free information about learning and careers, call us. 
Longsands Community College Longsands Community College : Longsands Rd, St. Neots. 
Middlefield Community Primary Andrew Road, Eynesbury, St. Neots, Cambs, PE19 2QE  
Open Channels Language tuition in French, German, Spanish and English. All levels from help with GCSE to corporate linguistic consultancy.  
Priory Park Infant School Almond Road, St Neots, PE19 1DZ 
Sing and Sign Learn to communicate with your baby or toddler pre-speech. Classes in St. Neots weekdays and Saturdays.  
St Neots English Centre Courses are held throughout the year, lasting between 1–4 weeks for students aged 13 - 17. Opportunities for host families too. 
St. Mary's CE School (Primary) St. Mary's CE School (Primary), Wintringham Rd, St. Neots.  
St. Neots Community College St. Neots Community College (formerly known as Ernulf School) Barford Rd, St. Neots